Create a role

In addition to the default role we provide, we also allow developers to create their custom role. There is a document about how to create a new role


Default denylist with redis

Redis is a good option for denylist that will allow fast in memory access to the list. In jwt_denylist record, we implement denylist with redis. By setting redis expiration time to be the same as jwt token expiration time, this token can be automatically deleted from redis when the token expires.

  def self.jwt_revoked?(payload, user)
    # Check if in the denylist

  def self.revoke_jwt(payload, user)
    expiration = payload['exp'] - payload['iat']
    $redis.setex("user_denylist:#{}:#{payload['jti']}", expiration, payload['jti'])

Custom denylist

You can also implement denylist by your own strategies. You just need to rewrite two methods: jwt_revoked? and revoke_jwt in jwt_denylist.rb, both of them accepting as parameters the JWT payload and the user record, in this order.

  def self.jwt_revoked?(payload, user)
    # Does something to check whether the JWT token is revoked for given user

  def self.revoke_jwt(payload, user)
    # Does something to revoke the JWT token for given user

Dispatch requests

You can config dispatch_requests in devise.rb. When config it, you need to tell which requests will dispatch tokens for the user that has been previously authenticated (usually through some other warden strategy, such as one requiring username and email parameters). To configure it, you can add the the request path to dispath_requests.

  jwt.dispatch_requests = [['POST', %r{^users/sign_in$}]]

Revocation requests

You can config dispatch_requests in devise.rb. When config it, you need to tell which requests will revoke incoming JWT tokens, and you can add the the request path to revocation_requests

  jwt.revocation_requests = [['DELETE', %r{^users/sign_out$}]]

Jwt payload

user records may also implement a jwt_payload method, which gives it a chance to add something to the JWT payload.

  def jwt_payloads
    # { 'foo' => 'bar' }

Jwt dispatch

You can add a hook method on_jwt_dispatch on the user record. It will execute when a token dispatched for that user instance, and it takes token and payload as parameters. And this method will call when you access the routes which in dispatch_requests

  def on_jwt_dispatch(token, payload)
    # do_something(token, payload)

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