
🚀 Rails 6

As explained above, rails 6 is the future and is far different from rails 5.

🚀 Rails API only

It is common to use frontend js libraries like react, vuejs to replace rails view in modern web development

🚀 ActionCable

This project demonstrates usage of actioncable with a working chatting backend which is authenticable thorugh JWT with functionalities as below:

  • A user can
    • create/delete a room
    • set his/her avatar
  • Other users can join rooms
  • Users inside a room can
    • send messages with each other
    • update a message
    • delete a message
    • launch a vote which others can attend
    • pick up random users of a specific number inside the room

The related fronend demo is written in react-pangu, and the js library bridges frontend and backend is written in actioncable-jwt

🚀 Devise

Quoted from it's homepage:

Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden. It:

  • Is Rack based;
  • Is a complete MVC solution based on Rails engines;
  • Allows you to have multiple models signed in at the same time;
  • Is based on a modularity concept: use only what you really need.

To our best of knowledge, devise provides a full, industry-standard, easy-to-ingrate way of all kinds of authentication. Damn, it's awesome!


JSON Web Tokens

🚀 devise-jwt

While there are lots of solutions which hook devise and jwt together, this repo is better implemented from our point of view.

We implmented a devise-jwt denylist policy leveraging the power of redis in app/models/jwt_denylist.rb.

🚀 Postgres

We use postgres as default database store cause sqlite3 will be replaced sooner or later when the traffic of one web server becomes lager enough

🚀 Rspec

Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby. Making TDD Productive and Fun.

🚀 RuboCop

A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide. https://docs.rubocop.org

🚀 CircleCI

CircleCI is the leading continuous integration and delivery platform for teams looking to shorten the distance between idea and delivery In this project, we leverage CircleCI to test Rails-pangu's code base with both rspec and RuboCop

🚀 Factory Bot

A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.

🚀 Docker

Docker is a standard containerize solution which is almost used in every team worldwide. As a result, a Dockerfile and related scripts are provided to help generate a docker image for this project.

The provided docker building solution contains the following optimizations:

  • Docker building acceleration

    When a project grows, hundreds or even thousands of different versions of different gems will be tried or used. Even a small change in Gemfile causes re-bundling for every Gem while building a Ruby based docker image, that most of the docker image building time is wasted for bundling a large number of stable gems, such as rails, pg... To solve this issue, we utilized a trick which accelerates the docker building process by bundling two rounds for Gemfile files, and generates two layers of docker image:

    • Build the first layer for Gemfile.core, which is for stable or core Gems, such as rails, pg.
    • Build the second layer for Gemfile, which is for mutable or non-core Gems, for example, Gems wrote or forted by yourself.

    Though, this process generates extra one layer of docker image which makes the image lager a little bit(hundreds of KBs). It worths that way cause time is much more limited than disk space

    The following lines of Dockerfile demonstrates this docker building process:

COPY Gemfile.core .
RUN echo 'gem: --no-document' >> ~/.gemrc && \
    cp ~/.gemrc /etc/gemrc && \
    chmod +r /etc/gemrc && \
    bundle install --gemfile Gemfile.core -j16 --binstubs=$BUNDLE_PATH/bin

COPY Gemfile .
COPY Gemfile.lock .
RUN bundle install --gemfile Gemfile -j16 --binstubs=$BUNDLE_PATH/bin
  • Bundling Gems acceleration (For developers in China only)

    By default, we mirror gem source https://rubygems.org to https://gems.ruby-china.com, which boosts the bundling speed largely for developers in China.

🚀 Puma

Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications in development and production.

🚀 Redis

Is there any web project isn't using redis as a faster and sometimes easier way of storing data? Well, if there isn't, just replace it!

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