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Rails-pangu is a Rails 6(API Only) boilerplate which follows cutting-edge solutions already adopted by the industry, notablly, Devise, JWT(JSON Web Tokens), Postgres, Redis, Docker, Rspec, RuboCop, CircleCI. It is a solid production-ready starting point for your new backend projects.

Mixing all these solutions and letting them work perfectly is not easy. Here is an example:

Devise is a flexible and almost a standard authentication solution for Rails, while JWT(JSON Web Tokens) is a JSON-based open standard (RFC 7519) for creating access tokens, which is a distributed and faster solution than authentication through databases.

There is always a strong need to bring these two beautiful solutions together into rails for better user authentication, however, there's no single satisfying article or project which demonstrates how to incorporate both with Rails 6(API Only), which becomes the main reason for the birth of Rails-pangu.

Thanks to lots of the close solutions that gave hints to this Rails-pangu, for example, this article: Rails 5 API + JWT setup in minutes (using Devise). However, these solutions have common problems:

  • Blurry explanation
  • Buggy
  • Lots of legacy code that are not usable for current version of frameworks, gems

At the same time, we saw couple of other repos doing the same work, but one big issue for these repos is that they are started with Rails <= 5.0, which is far different from Rails 6, and that contributes to the final decision to "reinvent the wheel again".


Pangu is the creator of all in Chinese mythology. In the stories, Pangu created the Earth and the Sky with a swing of his giant axe and kept them seperated by standing between them. Just like pangu, Rails-pangu aims at being a foundational code base which eliminates those tedious research and experimental work for your new Rails projects.

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